Saturday, March 24, 2007

Workshop og målformuleringer for praktikken

Fredag d. 23. marts

Spisning efter en hel formiddag hvor vi danske studerende stod for en workshop på Sao Mai sammen med de to danske lærere, der introducerede Marte Meo metoden.

Mig sammen med lærere fra Sao Mai.
Vi hyggede os rigtig meget.

De andre efter en vel overstået workshop.

Lederen af Sao Mai og vores to danske lærere.

Lærere fra børnehaven sammen med vores oversætter Thuan fra LEV, som oversatte mellem dansk og vietnamesisk.

Så er der blevet spist og der skal skåles.

Patric (fra USA), Peter og Suzanne (pædagoger fra Danmark som er frivillige på Sao Mai i en måned).

Our workshop with two Danish teachers, teachers from Sao Mai, teachers from the kindergarten and from a university.

Goals for my work placement
At Morning Star Center in Hanoi, Vietnam
Trung Tâm Sao Mai
Feb. 1st – July 31st

I want to learn about the structure of Trung Tâm Sao Mai, how it is financed and find out how the staff is trained.

This I will do by talking with Do Thúy Lan and I will write an assignment about this for my teachers in Denmark.

Do Thúy Lan and I will have a meeting about this before I leave Vietnam.

I want to develop the interaction between me and the individual child.

This I will do by working with mirroring the individual child especially at Bach Mai. In addition to this I will work with the borders of tolerance and acceptance.

Through observing me and the child I want the teachers to notice a difference in the approach towards the children and maybe get inspired.

I will try to find out if the teachers approaches towards the children are because of the Vietnamese culture or simply personal and professional ways of working.

This I will do by experience different classes at Trung Tâm Sao Mai to see as much as possible and to observe the teachers work.

I will have been a part of different classes.

I will try to be a natural part of the group of teachers despite language difficulties.

This I will do by spending my time not just with the children but also by communicating with the teachers in my classes about other things than things happening at Trung Tâm Sao Mai.

The teachers should not feel that I am someone really special. They should consider me as someone with whom they can have fun and at the same time give them some ideas for their daily work with the children.

With one particular child I want to work with teaching him to eat by himself. When I first came he was only being fed by the teachers.

By sitting with him at lunchtime as often as possible I will try to help him one step a the time. Following his instincts, interaction and help him by hand to hand method. I will also work with his motor functions away from the eating-situations.

The teachers will experience that I keep accepting his boarders of acceptance and try to make him master of his own life.

I want to take initiative to some meetings for the staff at Sao Mai where we can create an atmosphere where we can discuss and learn from each other.

Ideas for meetings:
- Teachers share their knowledge and ideas of different activities such as games and crafts for daily activities. In addition to that I will introduce them to new activities.
- The Childs Book (which former students have introduced)
- Mirroring, boarders of tolerance/acceptance.
- The importance of motor functions and senses.

There should at least be two meetings before I leave again.

Things I want to learn about the country and the culture I think of as more personal goals which I don’t want to be a part of my goals for my work placement.

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